Monday 5 August 2013

Review 12: THX 1138

I have to apologise, as I've had all my notes from watching this film for about a month, and I'm only just posting them. I decided to watch THX 1138 because who doesn't love a seventies futuristic film about conforming with society? I've said too much already.

Now, don't watch this film unless you have a serious interest in film. Although the storyline was good, the odd setting and general feel was very difficult to get used to. Compared to modern day films, the entire presentation was just plain strange. Aside from that, this film did actually have some very good qualities.

The basic storyline is that we're in a world that's controlled by a group of people. Everyone is healthy and isn't allowed to have sex or do anything of that nature. This aspect kind of reminded me of Spielberg's The Island, which will be one of my next reviews. The way society worked was backed up by the way that all the police robots were taller than the humans, producing a sense of hierarchy. The way these humans are treated is all in all very dehumanising, which actually helps you to connect with the main characters, THX and LUH. Robert Duvall (THX) does a nice job with the character, portraying the anger and eagerness to be free. My favourite part was when he was running from the policebots and he was just so desperate to escape. I think that's when his emotion really shone through, that and the raunchy but delicate love making scene with Maggie McOmie (LUH) , who also did a good job. I think the actors did the best they could with such an 'out-there' film.

Halfway through the film I kept noticing weird, Star Wars-like qualities to it. The setting was strangely similar, and the robo-cops reminded me a bit too much of C3PO.. which is why it was no surprise to me that it was directed by George Lucas. It's actually very difficult to review a film like this as it's very different, but there was just something about it that makes you want to keep watching. It's one of those films you really have to concentrate on the emotion and just allow it to take over.

All in all this film is very strange, but it just has a little bit of 'je ne sais quoi'. I gave this film 6 stars out of 10 on IMDb, and I recommend it to any filmies who enjoy cult classics. 

PS I have notes from two more films ready and waiting to be typed up. Watch this space!

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