Tuesday 19 February 2013

Review 3: Rebecca

Now I know this isn't a new film, but I like to vary my viewing. I chose Rebecca because it features the great Laurence Olivier, and also the story most definitely intrigued me. Oh and of course, the direction of the great Alfred Hitchcock.

This black and white film contains everything a 1940's film should. Glamour, real gentlemen, and a dark mystery that shrouds the entire story. I have to say, the beginning made it seem a lot darker than I had anticipated, but as I got into the actual story, I found myself getting pulled in. The characters are ridiculously relatable, and it's easy to see things from the new Mrs de Winter's point of view. Falling in love and getting married to a man in a matter of weeks without knowing the true darkness of his past seems quite stupid at first, but really, I would have done the same. Maxim de Winter (Olivier) is a tall handsome man who sweeped her off her feet, causing her to fall madly in love with him. To be honest, a rich, humorous man? Who wouldn't marry him immediately!

The character I didn't like was Mrs. Danvers, who had a slight eerie feel to her personality. It's clear she doesn't like the new Mrs de Winter, but I could never have seen the extent of her obsession with Rebecca (the old Mrs de Winter). Although the twist ending may seem like a bad thing, it carries many good outcomes, such as Maxim not actually loving Rebecca, which I think is something that's a gift to the audience and to Mrs de Winter, who can now finally feel like Maxim truly loves her.

If you enjoy great direction and old movies, I can guarantee this film is for you. The acting skill is exquisite and if only actors were like that today, the films would be a lot better quality. My IMDb rating is 8 stars out of 10 and I would recommend it to a wide array of people.

Sidenote: Talking of Alfred Hitchcock, who's excited about the new film Hitchcock? I'm (h)itching to see it! (excuse the pun)

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